Wednesday 21 November 2012

Chapter 17-19

Chapter 17
  • When Amir asks Rahim Khan if Hassan is still living in Baba's house he is given a letter.
  • The letter is from Hassan and tell Amir all about how the Kabul they knew has gone, and about how Rahim Khan is very ill.
  • Rahim Khan tells Amir that a month after the letter had been written the Taliban went to Baba's house to find Hassana and his family living there. They told Hassan he must leave with his family before the morning, even though the neighbours supported him when he told the Taliban he was just looking after the house for someone else. They called him a liar, like all Hazaras. They made him kneel in the street, and shot him in the head. Farzana came out, and they shot her too, claiming it was 'self defence
  • Sohrab was sent to an orphanage, and the Taliban moved into the house.
  • Rahim Khan tells Amir that he knows a couple in Pakistan that care for orphans, and asks him to find Sohrab and take him to them.
  • Amir refuses, saying that he cannot go to Kabul, that Rahim Khan should pay someone else to go.
  • Rahim Khan tries to persuade Amir, saying it is not about money and Amir knows why he must go. He says that Baba was worried about him because a boy cannot stand up for himself grows up to be a man who can't stand up to aanything.
  • He then tells Amir that Ali was unable to have children, that Baba is Hassan's real father. They weren't allowed to tell anyone as it would bring shame upon Ali. 
  • Amir storms out.
Chapter 18
  • Amir goes to a teahouse and thinks about all he has learnt, realising that both him and Baba have betrayed their truest friends, and they Rahim Khan wants Amir to atone for both his and Baba's sins.
  • He goes back to Rahim Khans house, realising that he needs to stand up for himself, and tells him that he will find Sohrab. 
Chapter 19
  • The two arrange some transport for Amir, a man named Farid who will take Amir to Kabul. Farid and his father fought against the soviets, losing 2 daughters and 3 fingers.
  • Amir wears an Afghan hat and a fake beard to blend in. He is very carsick.
  • When Amir says he feels like a tourist in his own country Farid laughs and says that he should not see this as his country, he assumes that Amir has come to sell land, take the money and go back to America. He also assumes that Amir grew up in a big house in America with his father, with Hazara servants and an American car.He says Amir has always been a tourist here, pointing at an old man with ragged clothes and saying that is the real Afghanistan.
  • They stay the night at Wahid's house, Farid's brother. When Wahid asks why Amir has come Farid goes on another rant, but Wahid stops him. 
  • Amir tell Wahid why he has come, and about Baba's secret. Wahid apologises for prying, and calls Amir a true Afghan. Farid looks ashamed.
  • Amir and Farid eat dinner. Amir notices that Wahid's children are staring at them and thinks they want his watch, so hands it to them. Later he finds out that they were staring at his food as they do not have enough money to eat.
  • Farid apologises to Amir, saying that Amir should have told him. He says that he will help Amir to find Sohrab.
  • Just before they leave Amir places a wad of money under they mattress he stayed on.

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